Friday, January 4, 2013

Emotional Spectrum

The information I am about to post originally came from a website called, and the author of the information was called Ashwin Feranacci.  But don't bother looking up that website because for some reason it is inaccessible now, so I was kind of glad I got the information before it "went off the air" so to speak.  As a counselor in training, I thought what he said has some correspondence to Cognitive Restructuring, though the real cognitive restructuring is not exactly like this, but has some minor similarities.  Either case, I thought the information was very useful.

He claims that our emotions have different vibrational frequencies, like white light (I already know this to be true from other different websites on the web, especially in the light of the 2012 ascension).  He said that when someone is depressed (grey color), asking him/her to cheer up and be Hopeful (green color) can cause someone to be Angry (Red color). 

Fear, Grief, Depression, Dispair, Powerlessness
Jealousy, Insecurity, Guilt, Unworthiness
Anger, Rage, Revenge, Hatred
Disappointment, Doubt, Worry, Blame, Discouragement, Sadness
Boredom, Pessimism, Frustration, Irritation, Impatience
Trust, Optimism, Hopefulness, Contentment
Enthusiasm, Eagerness, Happiness, Positive Expectation, Belief
Joy, Passion, Empowerment, Freedom, Love, Appreciation

The reason is that grey has a very low vibration and green has a higher vibration.  Expecting a jump from the grey to the green is HUGE leap for those experiencing that emotion.  Instead what he suggests is reaching for the next level up in the vibration, like reaching for one of the emotions in the dull red vibration - jealousy, insecurity, guild, unworthiness.  Encourage, the person then to feel one of those emotions, then move up another level to Red - Anger, Rage, Revenge, Hatred.  So you kind of work your way up the ladder til you eventually hit violet, where the emotions are more positive; at each step of the way allowing yourself to explore the full effects of the chosen emotion at that level.  Pay attention to the thoughts that arises under the effects of the emotion, try to alter those thoughts that promotes us to reach for the next level up in the spectrum.  As you reach for the higher vibrational emotions, there will be a sense of some relief.  If you find it hard to move up, than you should take a few moments to explore all the feelings in the current color. It may be that there is some form of need that requires fulfilling there.

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