Even though I do not have kids of my own, I still feel that children are our most precious treasures. I learnt for the first time today that what a child between the ages of 4 to 8 years old know, in terms of life, can put what I know to shame. This came about during a presentation from Dr. Susan Wright on the embodiment of art. She is an educational psychologist focused on young children, and has done alot of research on the art that children drew. It was such an eye opener.
Children between the ages 4 to 8 years old, who are able to draw and paint can churn out pictures with so much symbolism and content that can put most adults to shame. Granted, they cannot draw like Michael Angelo or Picasso, but the content in their artwork is just astounding. They can tell stories in their art, make use of space, positioning, lines, symbols, and colors that tell LOTS. And on just one single page. Most of all, they can even describe to you what it all means; although maybe not as succinctly as an adult can do it. I was awed beyond words.
But at the same time, I feel very sad for them all. Such bright, talented, and creative kids are subjected to our myopic classroom educational system that emphasizes memory work above everything else. On top of that, parents pressure and stress their kids to do "extremely well" (doing "well" for most parents now is not good enough), so that the parents will be able to boast to their peers. This is gross injustice on the innocent child.
And before anyone suggests that a revolt on the educational system is in order, I would like to say that I am not advocating one. We, the society is partially at fault for this injustice. We are all part of the society that advocates formalized classroom education as the way to go. We want fast results, smarter employees, etc. Who do you think are producing the fast results, and where do you think smarter employees come from - OUR KIDS. So, for those of you who are parents, maybe its time for you to realize what has been going on, and what has been done. Time to appreciate our little precious ones like the treasures they deserve to be. BUT PLEASE DO NOT SPOIL THEM !!!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I am the richest person in the world
A merchant wanted to gift a monk a really expensive branded watch. He brought the monk to his bank's safe deposit box for the monk to choose a watch. The merchant owned a total of 2 large safe deposit boxes where he kept all his expensive jewelries. Once the safe deposit boxes were open and the monk saw what was inside he exclaimed that it was less than he had expected. The merchant was a little shocked at the remarked, he asked him why ? The monk asked him how often has he worn any of the jewelries there ? The merchant replied, only very rarely, he was afraid that he would be robbed. The monk then said, in that case then I am the richest person in the world. All the jewelry that exists in the shops all belonged to him. The merchant looked at him a little puzzled. The monk that explained, if you kept all your jewelry in the safe deposit boxes, and only used them occasionally, then how different is that from me going to the jewelry shops to look at the jewelries like I was going to buy something there ? Its the same thing. I go there, hold the jewelry a little, wear it for a while and check myself out in the mirror while wearing it, then return it to the display case. Even though I do not own it, I still get the same experience you get when you come to the safe deposit box to check your expensive jewelry out very occasionally. So by that line of thinking, I own all the jewelries in all the shops that are in existent.
The moral of the story here is, if you own something and only use it very rarely, then its as good as not owning it at all. If you have it use it.
The moral of the story here is, if you own something and only use it very rarely, then its as good as not owning it at all. If you have it use it.
Monday, October 25, 2010
An Interesting Incident
I witnessed a very interesting incident while bringing some friends to visit a temple last week. I saw this gentleman standing in front of the gigantic golden statue of Amitabha Buddha with his palms pressed together in a praying posture. A small piece of paper was secured to his hands with both his thumbs. There were writings on the piece of paper, which I presume were the prayers to the lord Buddha which he wished would be answered, or granted. As he stood there, oblivious of my existence some distance behind him, praying to the Buddha a tan striped cat strode nonchalantly across in front of him. The man stomped his right foot at the cat, not once but twice at the cat as it crossed his path.
My initial reaction to that was utter shock. How dare you do such a thing to an animal that did not do anything to you but just went about minding its own business; much less in front of the statue of a being that embodies compassionate kindness, and yet you still have the audacity to ask Him for your prayers to be answered. It boggles my mind. Then I started laughing silently at the exhibition of ignorance, both his and mine. His ignorance of what Buddhism is all about, and my ignorance in letting something this small affect me.
My initial reaction to that was utter shock. How dare you do such a thing to an animal that did not do anything to you but just went about minding its own business; much less in front of the statue of a being that embodies compassionate kindness, and yet you still have the audacity to ask Him for your prayers to be answered. It boggles my mind. Then I started laughing silently at the exhibition of ignorance, both his and mine. His ignorance of what Buddhism is all about, and my ignorance in letting something this small affect me.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Causes of Calamities
According to Reverend Jing Kung, as I was listening to him expounding the Lotus Sutra, he claims that the causes of natural calamities were detailed in the Lotus Sutra. The cause of natural calamities is us. Our environment is a reflection of our inner-self, just as our appearance is also a reflection of our inner-self. Therefore, beauty is not necessarily only skin deep; but it is necessarily only temporary.
We drool at the sight of delicious food, regardless of whether we need nourishment or not. Thus, greed brings flood, or water related calamities.
In-equanimity, inequality, prejudice, bias, bigotry, proud, etc, brings with it earthquakes. When we have equanimity and equality with all, things are smooth and flat. Just like flat smooth ground, it is easy to walk on. Everyone's life also becomes easier because everyone treats everyone else with the same respect. But when the opposite happens, thing become difficult for everyone, the flat ground becomes uneven - earthquake.
Foolishness (for example, those who refuse to see past their nose), stupidity, selfishness, brings with it calamities of the wind. Such calamities would include things like Hurricanes, Tornadoes, sand storm, etc.
Hate, anger, and vengefulness, brings with it calamities of the fire type, such as volcanic eruptions.
He also goes on to say that, inorder to save the world from all the above calamities, all it takes is for a group of 20 to 30 lay followers to attain Bodhisattvahood, through the practice of perseverance and calmness of the inner self. In so doing, because the people who have been inspired to save the world through such practice would have accrued enough merits to stop the calamities.
We drool at the sight of delicious food, regardless of whether we need nourishment or not. Thus, greed brings flood, or water related calamities.
In-equanimity, inequality, prejudice, bias, bigotry, proud, etc, brings with it earthquakes. When we have equanimity and equality with all, things are smooth and flat. Just like flat smooth ground, it is easy to walk on. Everyone's life also becomes easier because everyone treats everyone else with the same respect. But when the opposite happens, thing become difficult for everyone, the flat ground becomes uneven - earthquake.
Foolishness (for example, those who refuse to see past their nose), stupidity, selfishness, brings with it calamities of the wind. Such calamities would include things like Hurricanes, Tornadoes, sand storm, etc.
Hate, anger, and vengefulness, brings with it calamities of the fire type, such as volcanic eruptions.
He also goes on to say that, inorder to save the world from all the above calamities, all it takes is for a group of 20 to 30 lay followers to attain Bodhisattvahood, through the practice of perseverance and calmness of the inner self. In so doing, because the people who have been inspired to save the world through such practice would have accrued enough merits to stop the calamities.
Monday, August 30, 2010
3 Flavors of Charity (edited)
Charity is the act of giving performed with the intention of enlightening sentient beings, when they have observed the performance of such acts. At least for this author, I had not realized that only until recently. Therefore, when we perform charity, we are distributing what we do not need to others who need it more, in hopes that when others around us see the act they would understand the meaning behind it; and thus inspire them to follow suit. At the mere mention of charity, the thought that immediately comes to mind is the donation of money. However, there is more than just money we can donate to charity. Money just happens to be the most convenient and easily accessible. There are actually 3 different kinds of charity.
Monetary Charity
This is the most widely used and most popular form of charity. Everyone always have some money on them, whether its just small change or big dollar bills. It is also the most convenient because you could just give and move on to your next daily routine, or your next errand.
Charity of Time and Energy
This form of charity is less popular as it requires one to "sacrifice" their time and energy. Something most of us are finding short on in this modern society. An example of such a form is charity is Volunteerism. Like when one donates their time and energy into helping a charitable organization to help them in their daily responsibilities of performing their function. Such work may not mean direct involvement into what they do, but it could be just simply being present to help clean up their office, perform some light administrative duties, volunteering as a chauffeur, or even just being the errand boy/girl. Just helping someone else do something is also an example such a form of charity. Like helping someone who has fallen up, helping to babysit your neighbor's, or relative's children are also instances of this kind of charity.
Charity of Knowledge
This is where one shares knowledge and wisdom with others. When you teach someone how to do something, or perform a task, and asking for nothing in return, that is charity. Instances of this would be when a friend teaches you how to do your homework, or a colleague passes you tips on how to better perform a task.
However, all three forms of charity are practiced, when one donates money to help defray the costs of printing religious scriptures, or generally books/booklets/pamphlets/etc that help to enlighten the public so that they may gain wisdom (not referring to information pertaining to the materialistic domain/s, but more of information that will help enlighten one's soul, thus gaining profound wisdom and understanding). In donating money for the printing, one has fulfilled the Practice of Monetary Charity. In turn, it also means that you have also enabled the people involved to be able to go ahead and print the literature in question. That is the Practice of Charity of Time and Energy. Finally, when the literature has been disseminated to readers, people will be able to gain the wisdom contained in the literature. Thus, fulfilling the Practice of Charity of knowledge. The merits accrued from this act of charity is immeasurable.
Lastly, there is another form of charity I would like to mention - Vegetarianism. Many Buddhists believe that to be a true disciple of the religion, one would have to go vegan. That belief if questionable at best. The true meaning of vegetarianism has been lost through the passage of time because those people did not truly practice Buddhism. The Buddha teaches all to question what was being taught to understand the teachings better. When questioned about the practicality of his teachings, he goes so far as to tell doubters to try his teachings out first, then make a decision for themselves after. So, if those who claimed that one of the reasons for being a Vegetarian is because you are a Buddhist, you have the wrong idea. The reason for Buddhist some Buddhist being a vegetarian is because they are practicing the Charity of Time and Energy. From the Buddhists' perspective : "I give up eating meat such that sentient beings need not have to give up their life for my enjoyment." (The sentient beings here refer to all the animals on land, and all the animal life forms that live in the water, that have to give their life so that all humans can have food on their table.) The westerners have the right idea when they speak of becoming a vegan. Of course, not everyone gives up eating meat for religious reasons.
(Note : In Buddhist Vegetarianism, it is a widely practiced to not eat Onions, Garlic, or anything that belongs the same family of vegetables. The reason this came about is due to the fact that veges just as Onions and Garlic can stimulate the production of certain hormones. These hormones can cause one to have difficulty focusing while practicing meditation. Hence, the reason why Buddhist Monks do not eat them. And thus the reason for the wide spread practice in the lay follower community. Such veges are actually GOOD for our immune system. It helps arrest harmful bacteria inside us.)
Monetary Charity
This is the most widely used and most popular form of charity. Everyone always have some money on them, whether its just small change or big dollar bills. It is also the most convenient because you could just give and move on to your next daily routine, or your next errand.
Charity of Time and Energy
This form of charity is less popular as it requires one to "sacrifice" their time and energy. Something most of us are finding short on in this modern society. An example of such a form is charity is Volunteerism. Like when one donates their time and energy into helping a charitable organization to help them in their daily responsibilities of performing their function. Such work may not mean direct involvement into what they do, but it could be just simply being present to help clean up their office, perform some light administrative duties, volunteering as a chauffeur, or even just being the errand boy/girl. Just helping someone else do something is also an example such a form of charity. Like helping someone who has fallen up, helping to babysit your neighbor's, or relative's children are also instances of this kind of charity.
Charity of Knowledge
This is where one shares knowledge and wisdom with others. When you teach someone how to do something, or perform a task, and asking for nothing in return, that is charity. Instances of this would be when a friend teaches you how to do your homework, or a colleague passes you tips on how to better perform a task.
However, all three forms of charity are practiced, when one donates money to help defray the costs of printing religious scriptures, or generally books/booklets/pamphlets/etc that help to enlighten the public so that they may gain wisdom (not referring to information pertaining to the materialistic domain/s, but more of information that will help enlighten one's soul, thus gaining profound wisdom and understanding). In donating money for the printing, one has fulfilled the Practice of Monetary Charity. In turn, it also means that you have also enabled the people involved to be able to go ahead and print the literature in question. That is the Practice of Charity of Time and Energy. Finally, when the literature has been disseminated to readers, people will be able to gain the wisdom contained in the literature. Thus, fulfilling the Practice of Charity of knowledge. The merits accrued from this act of charity is immeasurable.
Lastly, there is another form of charity I would like to mention - Vegetarianism. Many Buddhists believe that to be a true disciple of the religion, one would have to go vegan. That belief if questionable at best. The true meaning of vegetarianism has been lost through the passage of time because those people did not truly practice Buddhism. The Buddha teaches all to question what was being taught to understand the teachings better. When questioned about the practicality of his teachings, he goes so far as to tell doubters to try his teachings out first, then make a decision for themselves after. So, if those who claimed that one of the reasons for being a Vegetarian is because you are a Buddhist, you have the wrong idea. The reason for Buddhist some Buddhist being a vegetarian is because they are practicing the Charity of Time and Energy. From the Buddhists' perspective : "I give up eating meat such that sentient beings need not have to give up their life for my enjoyment." (The sentient beings here refer to all the animals on land, and all the animal life forms that live in the water, that have to give their life so that all humans can have food on their table.) The westerners have the right idea when they speak of becoming a vegan. Of course, not everyone gives up eating meat for religious reasons.
(Note : In Buddhist Vegetarianism, it is a widely practiced to not eat Onions, Garlic, or anything that belongs the same family of vegetables. The reason this came about is due to the fact that veges just as Onions and Garlic can stimulate the production of certain hormones. These hormones can cause one to have difficulty focusing while practicing meditation. Hence, the reason why Buddhist Monks do not eat them. And thus the reason for the wide spread practice in the lay follower community. Such veges are actually GOOD for our immune system. It helps arrest harmful bacteria inside us.)
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Universal Religion
Some people may feel that religion is a form of escapism. For most people, it is a form of faith where they can comfort themselves with the believe in the existence of an omnipotent being. However, we should also not forget those who believe that no such being/s exist, that we are the masters of our own destiny.(Here I am refering to the major religions of the world founded by past masters, or saints. Examples of these past masters would be Jesus Christ, Sakyamuni Buddha, Prophet Mohammad, Laozi, Confucius, etc.)
No matter our beliefs, what is true is that almost all of the major religions teach their followers how to be a better person. To be a better human being, to commune with our souls in order to return to our TRUE self. And they do this through stories, poetry, doctrine, dogma, etc, to inspire us to follow the right path.
Therefore, we should not segregate religion into their differences. Instead we should view all the different religions as different schools trying to attain the same goal. They just each go about trying to help us achieve the goal in a different way. Let me try to illustrate this in 2 ways, first I shall use the example of the British education system, and then followed by the use of an example in the American education system. First, under the British educational system, we could say that all the world's different religions are like the many secondary schools in the system. At the end of the final year of the school system, everyone must sit for the standardized examination known as the GCE'O levels as a graduation requirement. They must pass the exam to qualify for graduation and also to move on to an institute of higher learning. Under the American system, religions would be like the High Schools preparing students to do well in their SATs, so that they may be able to enter an institution of higher learning.
Despite the vast compassion of the ascended masters who gave us this knowledge, there are some who would use that knowledge for their own perversion. In such a case we should always remember that it is not the religion that is teaching them the wrong things, but the people involved who chose to pervert the information to their own advantage. This is why we have terrorist who claim they act in the name or their god, or pastors using their status in the church to commit sexual crimes, etc. No religion is free of such problems all of them have their own share of perverted followers, some more then others. Hence, we should all be cautious and have trust in our own natural instincts when trying to discern the right from the wrong. Any GOD worthy of our devotion will be ONE who will bring immense compassion and love to all, a love so great that the vastness of the oceans on earth cannot hold a candle to it. A love so great that we can do no wrong in HIS eyes against him. A love so great that no matter how we slight, despise, or ridicule HIM; HE will still shower compassion and love upon us - immeasurable absolute unconditional love. HE will love us equally no matter who we are or what we are and regardless of what we have done.
The good news here is that we are all capable of that. We all have that nature within all of us. The capacity to love unconditionally. That is our TRUE self. Our instinct is our soul speaking to us. Our soul knows things we are not conscious of. The soul holds knowledge beyond our present lifetime. Our soul is our Higher-self. Religion is the window to our Higher-self. Religion exist to help us see past the arrogance we exercised oh so long ago, so that we may again get in touch with our Higher-self. If we truly practice what they preached, our TRUE self will start to reveal itself gradually. As our TRUE self reveals itself, we may suddenly find that we have hidden talents beyond our wildest imagination. Those talents are what we have always possessed, but chose to ignore because of our attachment to this world and everything that comes with it. It is not lost though, we can find it when we find our TRUE self to reclaim what was lost.
No matter our beliefs, what is true is that almost all of the major religions teach their followers how to be a better person. To be a better human being, to commune with our souls in order to return to our TRUE self. And they do this through stories, poetry, doctrine, dogma, etc, to inspire us to follow the right path.
Therefore, we should not segregate religion into their differences. Instead we should view all the different religions as different schools trying to attain the same goal. They just each go about trying to help us achieve the goal in a different way. Let me try to illustrate this in 2 ways, first I shall use the example of the British education system, and then followed by the use of an example in the American education system. First, under the British educational system, we could say that all the world's different religions are like the many secondary schools in the system. At the end of the final year of the school system, everyone must sit for the standardized examination known as the GCE'O levels as a graduation requirement. They must pass the exam to qualify for graduation and also to move on to an institute of higher learning. Under the American system, religions would be like the High Schools preparing students to do well in their SATs, so that they may be able to enter an institution of higher learning.
Despite the vast compassion of the ascended masters who gave us this knowledge, there are some who would use that knowledge for their own perversion. In such a case we should always remember that it is not the religion that is teaching them the wrong things, but the people involved who chose to pervert the information to their own advantage. This is why we have terrorist who claim they act in the name or their god, or pastors using their status in the church to commit sexual crimes, etc. No religion is free of such problems all of them have their own share of perverted followers, some more then others. Hence, we should all be cautious and have trust in our own natural instincts when trying to discern the right from the wrong. Any GOD worthy of our devotion will be ONE who will bring immense compassion and love to all, a love so great that the vastness of the oceans on earth cannot hold a candle to it. A love so great that we can do no wrong in HIS eyes against him. A love so great that no matter how we slight, despise, or ridicule HIM; HE will still shower compassion and love upon us - immeasurable absolute unconditional love. HE will love us equally no matter who we are or what we are and regardless of what we have done.
The good news here is that we are all capable of that. We all have that nature within all of us. The capacity to love unconditionally. That is our TRUE self. Our instinct is our soul speaking to us. Our soul knows things we are not conscious of. The soul holds knowledge beyond our present lifetime. Our soul is our Higher-self. Religion is the window to our Higher-self. Religion exist to help us see past the arrogance we exercised oh so long ago, so that we may again get in touch with our Higher-self. If we truly practice what they preached, our TRUE self will start to reveal itself gradually. As our TRUE self reveals itself, we may suddenly find that we have hidden talents beyond our wildest imagination. Those talents are what we have always possessed, but chose to ignore because of our attachment to this world and everything that comes with it. It is not lost though, we can find it when we find our TRUE self to reclaim what was lost.
True self,
Friday, July 2, 2010
Who died and made me King ?
CBT stands for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It is a form of psychological intervention that targets our frame of thinking. Giving us a tool to correct our irrational (dysfunctional) thinking into more rational (healthy) thinking. Thus, allowing us an opportunity to correct a dysfunctional lifestyle.
The way it works its so simple, that its amazing. When an event happens, our first thought would be a rational thought. For example, "oh, I didn't do well in my test", "mum just scolded me", or "I just missed the bus." Usually, they would be thoughts that described an event that was just experienced. Following that, our second thoughts, in respective order, "I am going to fail my entire semester", "I am useless", or "why couldn't the driver had waited for me for just one minute more." These thoughts are what sets the stage for our action phase. In the examples given above, depression and anger sets in. This is where CBT seeks to work its wonderful magic here. It helps to change our irrational thoughts into more rational ones. My lecturer hit it home for me when she said one thing; "who died and made you King that the whole world has to serve your wants and needs ?"
I am not sure how many of you have similar experiences, but for me I can now see how I can get stressed, depressed, or all the gamut of what we termed as dysfunctional behaviors and emotions arise. Even though, we do not usually think about it, but we live under the assumption that the world around us, revolves around us, and all things must work the way we need it to be. When things do not work the way we like it to be, we react negatively, and act out accordingly.
Therefore, we need to understand that the world works the way it needs to work. We work the way we need to work. The people around us need to work the way they need to work. When we try to influence the way things work outside of ourselves, unexpected things can happen, and things may not work out the way we planned, expected, or hoped. When we interact with things outside of our sphere of direct influence, weird things can happen, good things can happen too, or nothing happens. We just have to understand and accept the consequences, then move on from there. Dwelling on the consequences will not help us progress, but learning how to accept it and move on will. No one died and made you King, so the world does not revolve around you.
The way it works its so simple, that its amazing. When an event happens, our first thought would be a rational thought. For example, "oh, I didn't do well in my test", "mum just scolded me", or "I just missed the bus." Usually, they would be thoughts that described an event that was just experienced. Following that, our second thoughts, in respective order, "I am going to fail my entire semester", "I am useless", or "why couldn't the driver had waited for me for just one minute more." These thoughts are what sets the stage for our action phase. In the examples given above, depression and anger sets in. This is where CBT seeks to work its wonderful magic here. It helps to change our irrational thoughts into more rational ones. My lecturer hit it home for me when she said one thing; "who died and made you King that the whole world has to serve your wants and needs ?"
I am not sure how many of you have similar experiences, but for me I can now see how I can get stressed, depressed, or all the gamut of what we termed as dysfunctional behaviors and emotions arise. Even though, we do not usually think about it, but we live under the assumption that the world around us, revolves around us, and all things must work the way we need it to be. When things do not work the way we like it to be, we react negatively, and act out accordingly.
Therefore, we need to understand that the world works the way it needs to work. We work the way we need to work. The people around us need to work the way they need to work. When we try to influence the way things work outside of ourselves, unexpected things can happen, and things may not work out the way we planned, expected, or hoped. When we interact with things outside of our sphere of direct influence, weird things can happen, good things can happen too, or nothing happens. We just have to understand and accept the consequences, then move on from there. Dwelling on the consequences will not help us progress, but learning how to accept it and move on will. No one died and made you King, so the world does not revolve around you.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
A darkness within
I had the wonderful opportunity to listen to Reverend Jing Kung talking about The Lotus Sutra via VCDs. This volume was 100 CDs long and contains many little bits of wisdom which The Great Sakyamuni Buddha delivered onto earth for all those willing to listen. Unfortunately, I am not finished with all of it but will share what I have learned as go through them slowly.
In one of the sessions, Rev Jing Kung mentioned about how the internal organs of highly practiced monks would look as transparent as glass to those who have the 2nd sight or the 3rd sight. Not only will their internal organ looks as clear as crystal, but will also glow with an inner light. He said that this was the result of years of practice in cleansing one's self of all things sinful to the human soul (not his exact words as I had to translate it from Mandarin). He also mentioned that for those gifted with the sight, he/she would be able to see the internal organs of us normal, or unpracticed people as being tainted black, the darker the more taint. (Things sinful to our souls include the 7 sins mentioned in the bible, those mentioned in the precepts of Buddhism, as well as selfishness, or acts that mainly serve the self but ignore others.)
This probably explains why most monks have this certain glow and calmness about them. I have always assumed that the glow was a representation or their practice, a gift of being pure, and bringing light to humanity. Probably the same reason why we always picture saints, and holy beings bathed in this pure white light (God, Angels, Buddha, Boddhisattvas, Arhats, Brahma, etc).
This little piece of information got me wondering about some other stuff. For example, like for those people who can see ailments on parts of the human body, they see it as a mass of blackness congregating in that area. I am wondering if this means that the blackness is a manifestation of the negativity within us. When all this negative energy congregate at a certain spot on our bodies, we ail ?
According to a reliable source of information (sorry I am unable to reveal this source at the moment), cancer is caused by our repression of negative emotions, feelings, etc. For example, a father that repressed his hate for his daughter and like wise the daughter repressed her hate for her father, both resulted in having cancer after many years (its a true story). In light of the above information, does this also mean cancer can also manifest itself from all the negativity that is already within all of us ? Additionally, although not empirically proven, Freud had the right idea that repressed emotions can lead to psychological disturbances.
Til this day, even though no one could neither prove nor disprove his theory, many psychological treatments exists today that utilized his theory to help client achieve catharsis. Most counselors can employ techniques that usually traces a client's present problem back to a time before the present. Once that happens the client is assisted to properly deal with the issue then in order to achieve catharsis. If you have ever felt the tremendous relieve that comes over you after having a nice long heart-to-heart talk with a friend about things that have been bothering you; that is catharsis. You would feel as if a very heavy weight has been lifted off you, and your soul feeling so light that it could fly.
I am off the opinion that repressed negative emotions can lead to manifestations of both psychological, and physiological disorders. There is a class of psychological disorder known as Somatization Disorder. In layman's language it is psychological disturbances that has physical manifestation/s. In that same line of thinking, I reckon that any negativity that we retain within ourselves will ultimately find a way of expressing itself outwardly. It can be as mild as facial breakouts (pimples), excess wrinkles, more gray hairs; as serious as having a psychotic breakdown, or even cancer.
In one of the sessions, Rev Jing Kung mentioned about how the internal organs of highly practiced monks would look as transparent as glass to those who have the 2nd sight or the 3rd sight. Not only will their internal organ looks as clear as crystal, but will also glow with an inner light. He said that this was the result of years of practice in cleansing one's self of all things sinful to the human soul (not his exact words as I had to translate it from Mandarin). He also mentioned that for those gifted with the sight, he/she would be able to see the internal organs of us normal, or unpracticed people as being tainted black, the darker the more taint. (Things sinful to our souls include the 7 sins mentioned in the bible, those mentioned in the precepts of Buddhism, as well as selfishness, or acts that mainly serve the self but ignore others.)
This probably explains why most monks have this certain glow and calmness about them. I have always assumed that the glow was a representation or their practice, a gift of being pure, and bringing light to humanity. Probably the same reason why we always picture saints, and holy beings bathed in this pure white light (God, Angels, Buddha, Boddhisattvas, Arhats, Brahma, etc).
This little piece of information got me wondering about some other stuff. For example, like for those people who can see ailments on parts of the human body, they see it as a mass of blackness congregating in that area. I am wondering if this means that the blackness is a manifestation of the negativity within us. When all this negative energy congregate at a certain spot on our bodies, we ail ?
According to a reliable source of information (sorry I am unable to reveal this source at the moment), cancer is caused by our repression of negative emotions, feelings, etc. For example, a father that repressed his hate for his daughter and like wise the daughter repressed her hate for her father, both resulted in having cancer after many years (its a true story). In light of the above information, does this also mean cancer can also manifest itself from all the negativity that is already within all of us ? Additionally, although not empirically proven, Freud had the right idea that repressed emotions can lead to psychological disturbances.
Til this day, even though no one could neither prove nor disprove his theory, many psychological treatments exists today that utilized his theory to help client achieve catharsis. Most counselors can employ techniques that usually traces a client's present problem back to a time before the present. Once that happens the client is assisted to properly deal with the issue then in order to achieve catharsis. If you have ever felt the tremendous relieve that comes over you after having a nice long heart-to-heart talk with a friend about things that have been bothering you; that is catharsis. You would feel as if a very heavy weight has been lifted off you, and your soul feeling so light that it could fly.
I am off the opinion that repressed negative emotions can lead to manifestations of both psychological, and physiological disorders. There is a class of psychological disorder known as Somatization Disorder. In layman's language it is psychological disturbances that has physical manifestation/s. In that same line of thinking, I reckon that any negativity that we retain within ourselves will ultimately find a way of expressing itself outwardly. It can be as mild as facial breakouts (pimples), excess wrinkles, more gray hairs; as serious as having a psychotic breakdown, or even cancer.
lotus sutra,
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Which do you think you belong to ?
I was surfing the web one day when I accidentally came upon this site Indigo Life Center. At this point, I am not sure what I was looking for when I chance upon above said site. Anyways, why I thought it was interesting was that some of the stuff it has mentioned describes so much about the way I behaved when I was little (10 years old). I'll clip some of the information I am talking about and leave it below this. (Note : The information available below was clipped from Indigo Life Center )
Based on Pioneers.
• The Golden Children will have the same characteristics as Rainbow Children
• Have a Golden Aura
• An early interest in surroundings
• Super-sensitivity to surroundings
• Strong curiosity and powers of observation
• An extensive vocabulary
• An exceptional memory
• May talk early and fluently
• The ability to read early – often self-taught
• Can choose to concentrate for long periods
• The propensity to ask shrewd/unusual questions
• The ability to grasp ideas quickly
• A “quirky” sense of humour
• Less need for sleep
• A thirst for knowledge about the most unlikely subjects
• Insatiable curiosity
• A critical attitude, especially self-criticism
• Requires emotionally stable and secure adults around him/her
• Will resist authority
• May become easily frustrated because of his/her big ideas and not having the resources or people to assist him/her in carrying these tasks to fruition
• Learns from an exploratory level and resists rote memory and just being a listener
• Cannot sit still unless absorbed in something of his/her own interest
• Very compassionate
• If they experience failure early, may give up and develop permanent learning blocks
• Exhibit a high IQ, but they often exhibit “frozen” creativity as well
• Has avid interest in science or literature
• Has a wide range of interests
• Is resourceful – solving problems by ingenious methods
• Is creative in new ideas, seeing associations, pursuing innovations
• Is perceptually open to his or her environment
• Has the capacity to use knowledge and information other than to memorise
• Shows superior judgement in evaluating things
• Learns rapidly, easily and efficiently
• Uses a lot of commonsense
• Retains and uses information which has been heard or read
• Is persistent
• Has a high energy level
• Is independent
• Is friendly and outgoing
• Is fluent in producing and elaborating on ideas
• Is flexible in thinking patterns
• Senses when problems exist
• Acts spontaneously, intuitively
• Provides multiple solutions or responses to problems
• Is intellectually playful, interested in fantasy, imagination
• Always trying to adapt or improve things
• Doesn’t mind being different
• Is bored with memorisation and recitation
• Produces unexpected, sometimes “silly” responses
• Is considered, and perhaps resented, by some peers as “crazy”
• Can show unusual degrees of originality, concentration and persistent hard work on projects
• Can stimulate, organise and arouse others
• Recognises skills and abilities possessed by others
• Can articulate ideas clearly
• Can listen to others empathetically
• Exercises authority reliably and responsibly
• Demonstrates endurance, stamina and persistence in physical activities and is rhythmic
• Responds readily to rhythm, melody and harmony
• Uses music to express feeling or experience
• Enjoys dance and dramatic activities with musical elements
• Uses voice to reflect changes in mood
• Communicates feelings by means of facial expressions, gestures and bodily movements
• Demonstrates ability to dramatise feelings and experiences
• Uses art to express feelings and experiences
So which group do you think you belong to ?
Indigo Adult Characteristics:
* Are intelligent, though may not have had top grades.
* Are very creative and enjoy making things.
* Always need to know WHY, especially why they are being asked to do something.
* Had disgust and perhaps loathing for much of the required and repetitious work in school.
* Were rebellious in school in that they refused to do homework and rejected authority of
teachers, OR seriously wanted to rebel, but didn’t DARE, usually due to parental pressure.
* May have experienced early existential depression and feelings of helplessness. These may
have ranged from sadness to utter despair. Suicidal feelings while still in high school or
younger are not uncommon in the Indigo Adult.
* Have difficulty in service-oriented jobs. Indigos resist authority and caste system of
* Prefer leadership positions or working alone to team positions.
* Have deep empathy for others, yet an intolerance of stupidity.
* May be extremely emotionally sensitive including crying at the drop of a hat (no shielding)
Or may be the opposite and show no expression of emotion (full shielding).
* May have trouble with RAGE.
* Have trouble with systems they consider broken or ineffective, ie. political, educational,
medical, and legal.
* Alienation from or anger with politics – feeling your voice won’t count and/or that the
outcome really doesn’t mattter.
* Frustration with or rejection of the traditional American dream – 9-5 career, marriage,
2.5 children, house with white picket fence, etc.
* Anger at rights being taken away, fear and/or fury at “Big Brother watching you.”
* Have a burning desire to do something to change and improve the world. May be stymied
what to do. May have trouble identifying their path.
* Have psychic or spiritual interest appear fairly young – in or before teen years.
* Had few if any Indigo role models. Having had some doesn’t mean you’re not an indigo,
* Have strong intuition. * Random behavior pattern or mind style – (symptoms of Attention
Deficit Disorder). May have trouble focusing on assigned tasks, may jump around in
* Have had psychic experiences, such as premonitions, seeing angels or ghosts, out of body
experiences, hearing voices.
* May be electrically sensitive such as watches not working and street lights going out as
you move under them, electrical equipment malfunctioning and lights blowing out.
* May have awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities.
* Sexually are very expressive and inventive OR may reject sexuality in boredom or with
intention of achieving higher spiritual connection. May explore alternative types of
* Seek meaning to their life and understanding about the world May seek this through
religion or spirituality, spiritual groups and books, self-help groups and books.
* When they find balance they may become very strong, healthy, happy individuals.
Please note, anyone could have a few of these traits, but Indigo Adults have most or all of these 25 characteristics.
First Wave Indigo Profiles
These are some of the qualities and challenges that First Wave Indigos experience.
Most Indigos can relate to at least 90% of this list .
~ Were born en masse (about 62%) between 1969 and 1987 (With stragglers before and after – 30% were born in the 50’s).~ Highly intelligent in their “Own Way.”~ Are literally “wired differently” than other people.
~ Know in their heart and core that they are here “on a mission” but many don’t remember what that is or how to go about it.
~ Have an inner awareness that what is being taught in churches and schools is NOT accurate and know there are hidden agendas around the lies that are being accepted by the masses as “Truth.” This is extremely frustrating but inspires them to uncover the cover-ups and expose The Real Truth!~ Have a strong sense of truth, ethics, justice and freedom. (That is why “authority figures” many times irritate and frustrate them). When these are in jeopardy, will give their “all” for their cause, and many times feel they would rather die than give-in to tyranny and deception.
~ Many have strong or unusual Psychic and Telekinetic abilities.
~ Have extraordinary levels of compassion.~ Have purple/UV as their favorite color or see it in their dreams.
~ Have an affinity to Knights, Castles, and Dragons.
~ Shut down psychic abilities because it scares people.
~ Feel like they could be one of the characters on the 1980’s television series “The Misfits of Science” or one of the young people in Xavier’s school for the gifted in the recent movies from the comic books “The X-Men.”
~ Many times get along better with animals and nature than people.
~ Have a bond/connection to the trees, and nature in general.
~ Can relate well to children and or the elderly
~ Feel very comfortable lounging, and would rather sit on the floor on a pillow than in a hard, uncomfortable chair. (Would prefer sitting on the floor in school, and business meetings if they could get away with it!)
~ Are very attracted to soft natural fabrics in their cloths and fuzzy blankets are the ultimate!
~ Many times get very impatient when with someone who doesn’t get to the point.
~ Creative, inventive, and very intuitive.
~ Involve themselves in human/animal rights efforts.
~ Have an innate sense of “oneness” and connectedness to all of creation. Get confused and disturbed when others don’t share their reality of “at-one-ment.”
~ High capacity for love, and therefore others may feel uncomfortable by their intensity.
~ Very sensitive, sometimes “Hyper Sensitive” and may not be able to distinguish between the emotional fields of those around them and their own personal emotions.
~ May go through periods of apathy and cynicism as coping mechanisms.
~ Intense longing for “their own kind”·.Soul Mates·but don’t know where to look.
~ Have what I endearingly term H.D.D. or “Hug Deficit Disorder” and need immense amounts of physical touching, hugs, and love to “cuddle.”
~ Because of being misunderstood and then betrayed, may develop strong trust issues, and therefore keep many of their thoughts, feelings and opinions to themselves.
~ About 30% have difficulties expressing them selves, especially in writing.
NOTE: If you read some of the poorly written correspondence from some of these First Wave Indigos, you would assume they were uneducated and nearly illiterate, but the truth is, that these same people can also be speed readers and can absorb information in seconds that would take others minutes to understand and retain.
~ Very disciplined when properly motivated.
~ Get bored and or frustrated in school.
~ Male Indigos (and many Females) for the most part don’t “do authority” very well because most of the time they are smarter than those in authority.
~ Many find themselves in “Alternative Schools.”
~ Female Indigos seem to be able to cope better with the school systems than their male counterparts.
~ Many are labeled “Dyslexic” and find themselves in “Special Classes” at school that usually never work for them.
~ Indigos have a strong desire to know “why” ·and if they don’t see “the point” in something, (or if is it isn’t explained properly), will feel it is simply not worth their time/energy and will either react with resistance or just simply “blow off” the people/things that seem not worth their time and energy.
~ Innately have their own ways of calculation and many have been accused of cheating in school because they do the answers in their head and cannot show their work.
~ Indigos have an evolved awareness of how things work, therefore, many of the rigid rules and methods of learning Math, English, and Physics (NOT metaphysics or quantum physics) make no sense to them.
~ All First wave Indigos have what might be termed as “A Gift of Healing” ….whether it is making people feel better with their humor and wit, hands on healing, animal and plant healing, healing with music and tone, or healing with new “unproven” methods.. ·some of which are natural and need no external training for.
~ Many Indigos have “Telepathic Healing” abilities and long distances make no difference to the efficiency of their work.
~ Because of their expanded perception, unusual creativity, wanting to try new things, and running way ahead of what is being taught in class, many were diagnosed as having Attention Deficit Disorder, and put on Ritalin as children.s
~ Most Indigo’s (especially males) have a high innate aptitude for computers/electronics and or auto mechanics. It is common for them to “Just Know” how to operate and trouble shoot with very little help from a book or an instructor.
~ First Wave Indigo’s are extremely creative, and express this innate skill in many (and often times OUTRAGEOUS forms.) These skills manifest in: Drawing, Painting, Sculpting, Decorating, Photography, Writing (in sometimes very extreme and unique ways), Making Blueprints and Prototypes, Composing and Playing Music·.(even if they have never had lessons), inventing games, and creating new & more efficient ways of doing things.
~ Very few Indigos are interested in aggressive sports such as Football and Hockey. They would rather spend their physical exercise time and energy in personal achievement and outdoor sports such as track & field, skateboarding, mountain climbing, cycling, kayaking, etc. They are also attracted to discipline and self-defense sports such as Fencing and Martial Arts
~ Because of their feeling so foreign to this planet, a very high percentage of Indigos have been put on “Antidepressants” to make them appear “Normal” and fit in our society·.this is just a temporary fix though, and only adds to their challenges.
~ Many Indigos are drawn to Theatrics, Drama, and Stand-up Comedy. In these venues they can “pretend to be someone else” when actually they are using this as an outlet to vent and express their own views and pent up emotions. It is also a place for “misfits” to find a place of refuge and “fit in”.
~ Because of their feeling so “alien” here, many go through periods of severe grief, loneliness, and displacement·..and may turn to drugs, alcohol, or attempt suicide for a way out.
~ One trademark that a high % of First Wave Indigos have, is living through extreme hardships as children, teenagers, and young adults. Many were born into family situations that were physically, emotionally, spiritually and psychically abusive. These Indigos had to figure out how to balance and keep their inherent integrity levels, while being subjected to painful and life shattering experiences. A large % were implanted in such horrendous situations as: organized crime, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and even ritual/cult abuse & mind control.
Characteristics of Rainbow and Golden Children.
Rainbow Children
• This is the fully developed Thirteen Dimensional Universal Human Being, able to carry and transmit all the Rays of Incarnation and Evolution within their vibrational field
• Have very strong wills and personalities
• Be very high energy
• Be very attuned to colour and colour vibrations around them and other aspects of clairvoyance
• Have passionate creativity
• Love bright clothing and colourful environments
• Bubble over with enthusiasm for everything in life
• Expect instant manifestation of whatever they think/need
• Have healing abilities
• Have telepathy and clairaudience
• Perfectly balanced in masculine and feminine energies
• Confident without aggressiveness* (Unless they have no other choice, i.e. self-defence in the existing dominate third dimensional consciousness)
• Intuitive and psychic without effort
• Magical and can bend time
• Go without food and sleep for the most part
• Able to live in the world without being swayed by it* (Possibly. Rainbows have the ability to walk where things are not, i.e. in parallel worlds.)
• Become invisible*(Walk in the Astral Plane.)
• Not be negatively affected by harsh energies, while still retaining their ultra-sensitivity, empathy and clairsentience* (Some Pioneers find harsh energy depleting most likely because they may be suffering from an imbalance.)
• No karma*(Twin Flames share Karma so if theirs has incarnated on this Earth before while they haven’t, they may have to deal with any existing Karma that their Twin may have. Rare cases though.)
• Completely connected to all that is* (Pioneers may become disconnected on occasion, especially in their early years when dogged by the dominating third dimensional consciousness.)
• Aware of their shadow side, but have brought it to the light*(Or are in the process of doing so.)
• These children are the mirror of all actions and energy of love*(Reflect others back on themselves and give their unconditional love to everyone and everything.)
• Do not choose dysfunctional families* (Pioneers may choose difficult life paths or families that need their pureness, their light and their energy of love.)
• They are all about service*(They do however recognise the importance of the ego in the grand design.)
• Operate purely out of joy, not need or impulse*(Again understand the importance of the ego.)
• May have big eyes like the Crystal Children,
• Unlike the Crystal Children they are totally trusting
• Entirely fearless of everybody and practically everything
Golden Children (Also referred to as ‘Gifted’ Children)* Are intelligent, though may not have had top grades.
* Are very creative and enjoy making things.
* Always need to know WHY, especially why they are being asked to do something.
* Had disgust and perhaps loathing for much of the required and repetitious work in school.
* Were rebellious in school in that they refused to do homework and rejected authority of
teachers, OR seriously wanted to rebel, but didn’t DARE, usually due to parental pressure.
* May have experienced early existential depression and feelings of helplessness. These may
have ranged from sadness to utter despair. Suicidal feelings while still in high school or
younger are not uncommon in the Indigo Adult.
* Have difficulty in service-oriented jobs. Indigos resist authority and caste system of
* Prefer leadership positions or working alone to team positions.
* Have deep empathy for others, yet an intolerance of stupidity.
* May be extremely emotionally sensitive including crying at the drop of a hat (no shielding)
Or may be the opposite and show no expression of emotion (full shielding).
* May have trouble with RAGE.
* Have trouble with systems they consider broken or ineffective, ie. political, educational,
medical, and legal.
* Alienation from or anger with politics – feeling your voice won’t count and/or that the
outcome really doesn’t mattter.
* Frustration with or rejection of the traditional American dream – 9-5 career, marriage,
2.5 children, house with white picket fence, etc.
* Anger at rights being taken away, fear and/or fury at “Big Brother watching you.”
* Have a burning desire to do something to change and improve the world. May be stymied
what to do. May have trouble identifying their path.
* Have psychic or spiritual interest appear fairly young – in or before teen years.
* Had few if any Indigo role models. Having had some doesn’t mean you’re not an indigo,
* Have strong intuition. * Random behavior pattern or mind style – (symptoms of Attention
Deficit Disorder). May have trouble focusing on assigned tasks, may jump around in
* Have had psychic experiences, such as premonitions, seeing angels or ghosts, out of body
experiences, hearing voices.
* May be electrically sensitive such as watches not working and street lights going out as
you move under them, electrical equipment malfunctioning and lights blowing out.
* May have awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities.
* Sexually are very expressive and inventive OR may reject sexuality in boredom or with
intention of achieving higher spiritual connection. May explore alternative types of
* Seek meaning to their life and understanding about the world May seek this through
religion or spirituality, spiritual groups and books, self-help groups and books.
* When they find balance they may become very strong, healthy, happy individuals.
Please note, anyone could have a few of these traits, but Indigo Adults have most or all of these 25 characteristics.
First Wave Indigo Profiles
These are some of the qualities and challenges that First Wave Indigos experience.
Most Indigos can relate to at least 90% of this list .
~ Were born en masse (about 62%) between 1969 and 1987 (With stragglers before and after – 30% were born in the 50’s).~ Highly intelligent in their “Own Way.”~ Are literally “wired differently” than other people.
~ Know in their heart and core that they are here “on a mission” but many don’t remember what that is or how to go about it.
~ Have an inner awareness that what is being taught in churches and schools is NOT accurate and know there are hidden agendas around the lies that are being accepted by the masses as “Truth.” This is extremely frustrating but inspires them to uncover the cover-ups and expose The Real Truth!~ Have a strong sense of truth, ethics, justice and freedom. (That is why “authority figures” many times irritate and frustrate them). When these are in jeopardy, will give their “all” for their cause, and many times feel they would rather die than give-in to tyranny and deception.
~ Many have strong or unusual Psychic and Telekinetic abilities.
~ Have extraordinary levels of compassion.~ Have purple/UV as their favorite color or see it in their dreams.
~ Have an affinity to Knights, Castles, and Dragons.
~ Shut down psychic abilities because it scares people.
~ Feel like they could be one of the characters on the 1980’s television series “The Misfits of Science” or one of the young people in Xavier’s school for the gifted in the recent movies from the comic books “The X-Men.”
~ Many times get along better with animals and nature than people.
~ Have a bond/connection to the trees, and nature in general.
~ Can relate well to children and or the elderly
~ Feel very comfortable lounging, and would rather sit on the floor on a pillow than in a hard, uncomfortable chair. (Would prefer sitting on the floor in school, and business meetings if they could get away with it!)
~ Are very attracted to soft natural fabrics in their cloths and fuzzy blankets are the ultimate!
~ Many times get very impatient when with someone who doesn’t get to the point.
~ Creative, inventive, and very intuitive.
~ Involve themselves in human/animal rights efforts.
~ Have an innate sense of “oneness” and connectedness to all of creation. Get confused and disturbed when others don’t share their reality of “at-one-ment.”
~ High capacity for love, and therefore others may feel uncomfortable by their intensity.
~ Very sensitive, sometimes “Hyper Sensitive” and may not be able to distinguish between the emotional fields of those around them and their own personal emotions.
~ May go through periods of apathy and cynicism as coping mechanisms.
~ Intense longing for “their own kind”·.Soul Mates·but don’t know where to look.
~ Have what I endearingly term H.D.D. or “Hug Deficit Disorder” and need immense amounts of physical touching, hugs, and love to “cuddle.”
~ Because of being misunderstood and then betrayed, may develop strong trust issues, and therefore keep many of their thoughts, feelings and opinions to themselves.
~ About 30% have difficulties expressing them selves, especially in writing.
NOTE: If you read some of the poorly written correspondence from some of these First Wave Indigos, you would assume they were uneducated and nearly illiterate, but the truth is, that these same people can also be speed readers and can absorb information in seconds that would take others minutes to understand and retain.
~ Very disciplined when properly motivated.
~ Get bored and or frustrated in school.
~ Male Indigos (and many Females) for the most part don’t “do authority” very well because most of the time they are smarter than those in authority.
~ Many find themselves in “Alternative Schools.”
~ Female Indigos seem to be able to cope better with the school systems than their male counterparts.
~ Many are labeled “Dyslexic” and find themselves in “Special Classes” at school that usually never work for them.
~ Indigos have a strong desire to know “why” ·and if they don’t see “the point” in something, (or if is it isn’t explained properly), will feel it is simply not worth their time/energy and will either react with resistance or just simply “blow off” the people/things that seem not worth their time and energy.
~ Innately have their own ways of calculation and many have been accused of cheating in school because they do the answers in their head and cannot show their work.
~ Indigos have an evolved awareness of how things work, therefore, many of the rigid rules and methods of learning Math, English, and Physics (NOT metaphysics or quantum physics) make no sense to them.
~ All First wave Indigos have what might be termed as “A Gift of Healing” ….whether it is making people feel better with their humor and wit, hands on healing, animal and plant healing, healing with music and tone, or healing with new “unproven” methods.. ·some of which are natural and need no external training for.
~ Many Indigos have “Telepathic Healing” abilities and long distances make no difference to the efficiency of their work.
~ Because of their expanded perception, unusual creativity, wanting to try new things, and running way ahead of what is being taught in class, many were diagnosed as having Attention Deficit Disorder, and put on Ritalin as children.s
~ Most Indigo’s (especially males) have a high innate aptitude for computers/electronics and or auto mechanics. It is common for them to “Just Know” how to operate and trouble shoot with very little help from a book or an instructor.
~ First Wave Indigo’s are extremely creative, and express this innate skill in many (and often times OUTRAGEOUS forms.) These skills manifest in: Drawing, Painting, Sculpting, Decorating, Photography, Writing (in sometimes very extreme and unique ways), Making Blueprints and Prototypes, Composing and Playing Music·.(even if they have never had lessons), inventing games, and creating new & more efficient ways of doing things.
~ Very few Indigos are interested in aggressive sports such as Football and Hockey. They would rather spend their physical exercise time and energy in personal achievement and outdoor sports such as track & field, skateboarding, mountain climbing, cycling, kayaking, etc. They are also attracted to discipline and self-defense sports such as Fencing and Martial Arts
~ Because of their feeling so foreign to this planet, a very high percentage of Indigos have been put on “Antidepressants” to make them appear “Normal” and fit in our society·.this is just a temporary fix though, and only adds to their challenges.
~ Many Indigos are drawn to Theatrics, Drama, and Stand-up Comedy. In these venues they can “pretend to be someone else” when actually they are using this as an outlet to vent and express their own views and pent up emotions. It is also a place for “misfits” to find a place of refuge and “fit in”.
~ Because of their feeling so “alien” here, many go through periods of severe grief, loneliness, and displacement·..and may turn to drugs, alcohol, or attempt suicide for a way out.
~ One trademark that a high % of First Wave Indigos have, is living through extreme hardships as children, teenagers, and young adults. Many were born into family situations that were physically, emotionally, spiritually and psychically abusive. These Indigos had to figure out how to balance and keep their inherent integrity levels, while being subjected to painful and life shattering experiences. A large % were implanted in such horrendous situations as: organized crime, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and even ritual/cult abuse & mind control.
Characteristics of Rainbow and Golden Children.
Rainbow Children
• This is the fully developed Thirteen Dimensional Universal Human Being, able to carry and transmit all the Rays of Incarnation and Evolution within their vibrational field
• Have very strong wills and personalities
• Be very high energy
• Be very attuned to colour and colour vibrations around them and other aspects of clairvoyance
• Have passionate creativity
• Love bright clothing and colourful environments
• Bubble over with enthusiasm for everything in life
• Expect instant manifestation of whatever they think/need
• Have healing abilities
• Have telepathy and clairaudience
• Perfectly balanced in masculine and feminine energies
• Confident without aggressiveness* (Unless they have no other choice, i.e. self-defence in the existing dominate third dimensional consciousness)
• Intuitive and psychic without effort
• Magical and can bend time
• Go without food and sleep for the most part
• Able to live in the world without being swayed by it* (Possibly. Rainbows have the ability to walk where things are not, i.e. in parallel worlds.)
• Become invisible*(Walk in the Astral Plane.)
• Not be negatively affected by harsh energies, while still retaining their ultra-sensitivity, empathy and clairsentience* (Some Pioneers find harsh energy depleting most likely because they may be suffering from an imbalance.)
• No karma*(Twin Flames share Karma so if theirs has incarnated on this Earth before while they haven’t, they may have to deal with any existing Karma that their Twin may have. Rare cases though.)
• Completely connected to all that is* (Pioneers may become disconnected on occasion, especially in their early years when dogged by the dominating third dimensional consciousness.)
• Aware of their shadow side, but have brought it to the light*(Or are in the process of doing so.)
• These children are the mirror of all actions and energy of love*(Reflect others back on themselves and give their unconditional love to everyone and everything.)
• Do not choose dysfunctional families* (Pioneers may choose difficult life paths or families that need their pureness, their light and their energy of love.)
• They are all about service*(They do however recognise the importance of the ego in the grand design.)
• Operate purely out of joy, not need or impulse*(Again understand the importance of the ego.)
• May have big eyes like the Crystal Children,
• Unlike the Crystal Children they are totally trusting
• Entirely fearless of everybody and practically everything
Based on Pioneers.
• The Golden Children will have the same characteristics as Rainbow Children
• Have a Golden Aura
• An early interest in surroundings
• Super-sensitivity to surroundings
• Strong curiosity and powers of observation
• An extensive vocabulary
• An exceptional memory
• May talk early and fluently
• The ability to read early – often self-taught
• Can choose to concentrate for long periods
• The propensity to ask shrewd/unusual questions
• The ability to grasp ideas quickly
• A “quirky” sense of humour
• Less need for sleep
• A thirst for knowledge about the most unlikely subjects
• Insatiable curiosity
• A critical attitude, especially self-criticism
• Requires emotionally stable and secure adults around him/her
• Will resist authority
• May become easily frustrated because of his/her big ideas and not having the resources or people to assist him/her in carrying these tasks to fruition
• Learns from an exploratory level and resists rote memory and just being a listener
• Cannot sit still unless absorbed in something of his/her own interest
• Very compassionate
• If they experience failure early, may give up and develop permanent learning blocks
• Exhibit a high IQ, but they often exhibit “frozen” creativity as well
• Has avid interest in science or literature
• Has a wide range of interests
• Is resourceful – solving problems by ingenious methods
• Is creative in new ideas, seeing associations, pursuing innovations
• Is perceptually open to his or her environment
• Has the capacity to use knowledge and information other than to memorise
• Shows superior judgement in evaluating things
• Learns rapidly, easily and efficiently
• Uses a lot of commonsense
• Retains and uses information which has been heard or read
• Is persistent
• Has a high energy level
• Is independent
• Is friendly and outgoing
• Is fluent in producing and elaborating on ideas
• Is flexible in thinking patterns
• Senses when problems exist
• Acts spontaneously, intuitively
• Provides multiple solutions or responses to problems
• Is intellectually playful, interested in fantasy, imagination
• Always trying to adapt or improve things
• Doesn’t mind being different
• Is bored with memorisation and recitation
• Produces unexpected, sometimes “silly” responses
• Is considered, and perhaps resented, by some peers as “crazy”
• Can show unusual degrees of originality, concentration and persistent hard work on projects
• Can stimulate, organise and arouse others
• Recognises skills and abilities possessed by others
• Can articulate ideas clearly
• Can listen to others empathetically
• Exercises authority reliably and responsibly
• Demonstrates endurance, stamina and persistence in physical activities and is rhythmic
• Responds readily to rhythm, melody and harmony
• Uses music to express feeling or experience
• Enjoys dance and dramatic activities with musical elements
• Uses voice to reflect changes in mood
• Communicates feelings by means of facial expressions, gestures and bodily movements
• Demonstrates ability to dramatise feelings and experiences
• Uses art to express feelings and experiences
So which group do you think you belong to ?
Monday, March 22, 2010
A Little kindness goes a long way.
An ex-colleague of mine sent me an email that literally brought tears to my eyes that I thought I would share. Its not the email that made me tear up, but it was the message that was attached in there.
At a fund raising dinner for a school that serves children with learning disabilities, the father of one of the students delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all who attended. After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he offered a question:
'When not interfered with by outside influences,
everything nature does, is done with perfection.
Yet my son, Shay, cannot learn things as other
children do. He cannot understand things as other
children do.Where is the natural order of things
in my son?'
The audience was stilled by the query.
The father continued.
'I believe that when a child like Shay,
who was mentally and physically disabled
comes into the world, an opportunity to
realize true human nature presents itself,
and it comes in the way other people treat
that child.'
Then he told the following story:
Shay and I had walked past a park
where some boys Shay knew were playing
baseball. Shay asked, 'Do you think they'll
let me play?' I knew that most
of the boys would not want someone
like Shay on their team, but as
a father I also understood that
if my son were allowed to play,
it would give him a much-needed sense
of belonging and some confidence to
be accepted by others in spite of
his handicaps. I approached one of the
boys on the field and asked (not
expecting much) if Shay could play. The
boy looked around for guidance and said,
'We're losing by six runs and the
game is in the eighth inning.
I guess he can be on our team
and we'll try to put him in
to bat in the ninth inning.'Shay
struggled over to the team's bench and,
with a broad smile, put on a
team shirt. I watched with a small
tear in my eye and warmth in
my heart. The boys saw my joy
at my son being accepted.
In the bottom of the eighth inning,
Shay's team scored a few runs but
was still behind by three. In the
top of the ninth inning, Shay put
on a glove and played in the
right field. Even though no hits came
his way, he was obviously ecstatic just
to be in the game and on
the field, grinning from ear to ear
as I waved to him from the stands.
In the bottom of the ninth inning,
Shay's team scored again..
Now, with two outs and the bases
loaded, the potential winning run was on
base and Shay was scheduled to be
next at bat.At this juncture, do
they let Shay bat and give away
their chance to win the game?
Surprisingly, Shay was given the bat.
Everyone knew that a hit was all
but impossible because Shay didn't even
know how to hold the bat properly,
much less connect with the ball.
However, as Shay stepped up to the
plate, the pitcher, recognizing that the other
team was putting winning aside for this
moment in Shay's life, moved in a
few steps to lob the ball in
softly so Shay could at least make
contact.The first pitch came and Shay
swung clumsily and missed. The pitcher again
took a few steps forward to toss
the ball softly towards Shay. As the
pitch came in, Shay swung at the ball
and hit a slow ground ball right
back to the pitcher. The game would
now be over. The pitcher picked up
the soft grounder and could have easily
thrown the ball to the first baseman.
Shay would have been out and that
would have been the end of the
game. Instead, the pitcher threw the ball
right over the first baseman's head, out
of reach of all team mates. Everyone
from the stands and both teams started
yelling, 'Shay, run to first! Run to first!'
Never in his life had Shay ever
run that far, but he made it
to first base. He scampered down the
baseline, wide-eyed and startled.
Everyone yelled, 'Run to second, run to second!'
Catching his breath, Shay awkwardly ran
towards second, gleaming and struggling to make
it to the base. By the time
Shay rounded towards second base, the right fielder
had the ball . The smallest guy on
their team who now had his first
chance to be the hero for his team.
He could have thrown the ball to
the second-baseman for the tag, but
he understood the pitcher's intentions so he,
too, intentionally threw the ball high and
far over the third-baseman's head
Shay ran toward third base deliriously as
the runners ahead of him circled the
bases toward home. All were screaming,
'Shay, Shay, Shay, all the Way Shay'
Shay reached third base because the opposing
shortstop ran to help him by turning
him in the direction of third base,
and shouted, 'Run to third!
Shay, run to third!'
As Shay rounded third, the boys from
both teams, and the spectators, were
on their feet screaming,
'Shay, run home! Run home!'
Shay ran to home, stepped on the plate,
and was cheered as the hero
who hit the grand slam and won
the game for his team.
'That day', said the father softly
with tears now rolling down his face,
'the boys from both teams helped bring
a piece of true love and humanity
into this world'.
Shay didn't make it to another summer.
He died that winter, having never forgotten
being the hero and making me so happy,
and coming home and seeing his Mother
tearfully embrace her little hero of the day!
At a fund raising dinner for a school that serves children with learning disabilities, the father of one of the students delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all who attended. After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he offered a question:
'When not interfered with by outside influences,
everything nature does, is done with perfection.
Yet my son, Shay, cannot learn things as other
children do. He cannot understand things as other
children do.Where is the natural order of things
in my son?'
The audience was stilled by the query.
The father continued.
'I believe that when a child like Shay,
who was mentally and physically disabled
comes into the world, an opportunity to
realize true human nature presents itself,
and it comes in the way other people treat
that child.'
Then he told the following story:
Shay and I had walked past a park
where some boys Shay knew were playing
baseball. Shay asked, 'Do you think they'll
let me play?' I knew that most
of the boys would not want someone
like Shay on their team, but as
a father I also understood that
if my son were allowed to play,
it would give him a much-needed sense
of belonging and some confidence to
be accepted by others in spite of
his handicaps. I approached one of the
boys on the field and asked (not
expecting much) if Shay could play. The
boy looked around for guidance and said,
'We're losing by six runs and the
game is in the eighth inning.
I guess he can be on our team
and we'll try to put him in
to bat in the ninth inning.'Shay
struggled over to the team's bench and,
with a broad smile, put on a
team shirt. I watched with a small
tear in my eye and warmth in
my heart. The boys saw my joy
at my son being accepted.
In the bottom of the eighth inning,
Shay's team scored a few runs but
was still behind by three. In the
top of the ninth inning, Shay put
on a glove and played in the
right field. Even though no hits came
his way, he was obviously ecstatic just
to be in the game and on
the field, grinning from ear to ear
as I waved to him from the stands.
In the bottom of the ninth inning,
Shay's team scored again..
Now, with two outs and the bases
loaded, the potential winning run was on
base and Shay was scheduled to be
next at bat.At this juncture, do
they let Shay bat and give away
their chance to win the game?
Surprisingly, Shay was given the bat.
Everyone knew that a hit was all
but impossible because Shay didn't even
know how to hold the bat properly,
much less connect with the ball.
However, as Shay stepped up to the
plate, the pitcher, recognizing that the other
team was putting winning aside for this
moment in Shay's life, moved in a
few steps to lob the ball in
softly so Shay could at least make
contact.The first pitch came and Shay
swung clumsily and missed. The pitcher again
took a few steps forward to toss
the ball softly towards Shay. As the
pitch came in, Shay swung at the ball
and hit a slow ground ball right
back to the pitcher. The game would
now be over. The pitcher picked up
the soft grounder and could have easily
thrown the ball to the first baseman.
Shay would have been out and that
would have been the end of the
game. Instead, the pitcher threw the ball
right over the first baseman's head, out
of reach of all team mates. Everyone
from the stands and both teams started
yelling, 'Shay, run to first! Run to first!'
Never in his life had Shay ever
run that far, but he made it
to first base. He scampered down the
baseline, wide-eyed and startled.
Everyone yelled, 'Run to second, run to second!'
Catching his breath, Shay awkwardly ran
towards second, gleaming and struggling to make
it to the base. By the time
Shay rounded towards second base, the right fielder
had the ball . The smallest guy on
their team who now had his first
chance to be the hero for his team.
He could have thrown the ball to
the second-baseman for the tag, but
he understood the pitcher's intentions so he,
too, intentionally threw the ball high and
far over the third-baseman's head
Shay ran toward third base deliriously as
the runners ahead of him circled the
bases toward home. All were screaming,
'Shay, Shay, Shay, all the Way Shay'
Shay reached third base because the opposing
shortstop ran to help him by turning
him in the direction of third base,
and shouted, 'Run to third!
Shay, run to third!'
As Shay rounded third, the boys from
both teams, and the spectators, were
on their feet screaming,
'Shay, run home! Run home!'
Shay ran to home, stepped on the plate,
and was cheered as the hero
who hit the grand slam and won
the game for his team.
'That day', said the father softly
with tears now rolling down his face,
'the boys from both teams helped bring
a piece of true love and humanity
into this world'.
Shay didn't make it to another summer.
He died that winter, having never forgotten
being the hero and making me so happy,
and coming home and seeing his Mother
tearfully embrace her little hero of the day!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
What if I have been wronged ?
Be calm, be composed, most of all be still.
Let no anger, hatred, nor any negative feelings arise,
Invoke the power of your invisible protectors, Boddhisattva, Buddhas, God, Jesus, Mother Mary, etc,
to grant you the wisdom, and the strength to see you through this difficult time.
Bear no bad thoughts for your accuser/s,
instead bless them for giving you the opportunity to test your resolve.
Eventually, the truth shall be illuminated one day, and all will become clear.
Always bear in mind - "as you sow, so shall you reap."
The Law of Cause and Effect is unforgiving.
Let no anger, hatred, nor any negative feelings arise,
Invoke the power of your invisible protectors, Boddhisattva, Buddhas, God, Jesus, Mother Mary, etc,
to grant you the wisdom, and the strength to see you through this difficult time.
Bear no bad thoughts for your accuser/s,
instead bless them for giving you the opportunity to test your resolve.
Eventually, the truth shall be illuminated one day, and all will become clear.
Always bear in mind - "as you sow, so shall you reap."
The Law of Cause and Effect is unforgiving.
Friday, March 5, 2010
To be Contented is to be Happy

In an conversation with one of my friends that happened quite some time ago, he said something that striked me as being so meaningful and applicable in our lives today. He said in mandarin " zhi(1) zu(2) chang(2) le(4) ". That just hit me really hard about how much truth those 4 little chinese words meant. In translation to English it just means, if we are contented we will have everlasting happiness.
In our daily life of constant struggle for material wealth, comfort, and survival, we have overlooked that little morsel of wisdom. How much of it all is enough to fulfill us? Once we have achieved what we wanted, would we want more? Will we ever be fulfilled, or will we crave for even more fulfillment?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
About Karma
On a few previous occasions, I have mentioned the concept known as Karma. Unfortunately, that concept has not been explained. I shall now attempt to elaborate a little more about the concept of Karma.
To many of us, Karma has been commonly associated with the practice of Buddhism. Contrary to this, Karma is not an exclusive concept to Buddhism. The concept of Karma predates Buddhism, to some ancient religion with Hindu origin. Therefore, Karma has its place in many Indian religions.
What is Karma then? The term "karma" has its roots in Sanskrit, which means action, or performance. Thus, Karma as a concept, refers to the actions, or deeds, that causes the entire cycle of cause and effect. Simply, it is the consequence that results from the performance of an action, or deed. Sadly, such simple reactions rarely do happen. In reality though, the consequence/s resulting from action/s can cause further consequences, and so on and so forth; becoming a chain reaction.
I am quite sure many of us know by default what the cycle of cause and effect is. It could have been mentioned in different religions in their own ways, or explained to us by our close relatives, and family members, from their own perspective. All of which drill down to one common line of thought, "you reap what you sow." That line of thought has given birth to many more well known quotes such as, "do unto others as you would have others do unto you", "revenge is a bitch", "hell hath no wrath like a woman's scorn", "before you begin on the journey of revenge, dig two graves", "Our deeds determine us as much as we determine our deeds", "Sin makes its own hell, and goodness its own heaven", "Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity", to quote just a few.
From my own personal perspective, I view Karma as a bank account. This Karma bank account records all the good deeds and all the bad ones as well, and keeps a running total of both. As far as I understand, they both do not cancel each other off, which means having equal amounts of both good and bad deeds does not mean one has NO karma. Meritorious deeds begets good karma, and hence rewards. Devious deeds begets bad karma and thus punishment, or suffering. If one has equal amounts of both good and bad karma, then he/she will benefit and suffer equally. As a result, because of the enjoyments reaped from the benefits, the suffering may not be as bad.
To illustrate this with a real world example, lets assume that such a person exist. Lets assume that he/she is fated to have a near fatal accident in a deserted part of town where rarely anyone goes there (middle of no where). He/she suffers the accident, but will be saved by a passerby calling for help.
On the other hand, lets assume that his/her good karma account was lower then the bad karma debt. The result of such a situation could be that he/she would have the accident, but could die as a result of the accident, or may have to agonize over his near fatal injuries for hours before being saved. Each outcome depends on the amount of amount of good and bad karma accrued.
In short, we each receive the payout from each account accordingly. None of us may escape the effects of karma. However, having an overly positive karma account would not hurt anyone. But how do we differentiate between a deed that would produce good karma, from one that would produce bad karma?
I am quoting what a very respectable monk said once - as a rule of thumb, if the deed was done not to gain personal benefit, but solely for the benefit of others then it is a great meritorious deed and will gain good karma. If a deed was done for the sole benefit of oneself, then it is most likely a deed that will accrue bad karma.
To many of us, Karma has been commonly associated with the practice of Buddhism. Contrary to this, Karma is not an exclusive concept to Buddhism. The concept of Karma predates Buddhism, to some ancient religion with Hindu origin. Therefore, Karma has its place in many Indian religions.
What is Karma then? The term "karma" has its roots in Sanskrit, which means action, or performance. Thus, Karma as a concept, refers to the actions, or deeds, that causes the entire cycle of cause and effect. Simply, it is the consequence that results from the performance of an action, or deed. Sadly, such simple reactions rarely do happen. In reality though, the consequence/s resulting from action/s can cause further consequences, and so on and so forth; becoming a chain reaction.
I am quite sure many of us know by default what the cycle of cause and effect is. It could have been mentioned in different religions in their own ways, or explained to us by our close relatives, and family members, from their own perspective. All of which drill down to one common line of thought, "you reap what you sow." That line of thought has given birth to many more well known quotes such as, "do unto others as you would have others do unto you", "revenge is a bitch", "hell hath no wrath like a woman's scorn", "before you begin on the journey of revenge, dig two graves", "Our deeds determine us as much as we determine our deeds", "Sin makes its own hell, and goodness its own heaven", "Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity", to quote just a few.
From my own personal perspective, I view Karma as a bank account. This Karma bank account records all the good deeds and all the bad ones as well, and keeps a running total of both. As far as I understand, they both do not cancel each other off, which means having equal amounts of both good and bad deeds does not mean one has NO karma. Meritorious deeds begets good karma, and hence rewards. Devious deeds begets bad karma and thus punishment, or suffering. If one has equal amounts of both good and bad karma, then he/she will benefit and suffer equally. As a result, because of the enjoyments reaped from the benefits, the suffering may not be as bad.
To illustrate this with a real world example, lets assume that such a person exist. Lets assume that he/she is fated to have a near fatal accident in a deserted part of town where rarely anyone goes there (middle of no where). He/she suffers the accident, but will be saved by a passerby calling for help.
On the other hand, lets assume that his/her good karma account was lower then the bad karma debt. The result of such a situation could be that he/she would have the accident, but could die as a result of the accident, or may have to agonize over his near fatal injuries for hours before being saved. Each outcome depends on the amount of amount of good and bad karma accrued.
In short, we each receive the payout from each account accordingly. None of us may escape the effects of karma. However, having an overly positive karma account would not hurt anyone. But how do we differentiate between a deed that would produce good karma, from one that would produce bad karma?
I am quoting what a very respectable monk said once - as a rule of thumb, if the deed was done not to gain personal benefit, but solely for the benefit of others then it is a great meritorious deed and will gain good karma. If a deed was done for the sole benefit of oneself, then it is most likely a deed that will accrue bad karma.
Friday, January 1, 2010
A New Year's Day Prayer for the World
For the coming years ahead :
Let there be enough food for all to eat and be well fed.
Let there be enough clean drinking water for all to drink and be thirst quenched,
and also to keep cool and keep clean;depending on the situation.
Let there be enough good sturdy shelter for all to live under to be well protected from the elements, so that we may all be able to keep ourselves cool, warm, dry, and clean; depending on the situation.
Last but not least, let there be enough clean comfortable clothing for all to wear so that we may all be kept decent, cool, warm, dry, and clean; depending on the situation.
Let there be enough food for all to eat and be well fed.
Let there be enough clean drinking water for all to drink and be thirst quenched,
and also to keep cool and keep clean;depending on the situation.
Let there be enough good sturdy shelter for all to live under to be well protected from the elements, so that we may all be able to keep ourselves cool, warm, dry, and clean; depending on the situation.
Last but not least, let there be enough clean comfortable clothing for all to wear so that we may all be kept decent, cool, warm, dry, and clean; depending on the situation.
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