Be calm, be composed, most of all be still.
Let no anger, hatred, nor any negative feelings arise,
Invoke the power of your invisible protectors, Boddhisattva, Buddhas, God, Jesus, Mother Mary, etc,
to grant you the wisdom, and the strength to see you through this difficult time.
Bear no bad thoughts for your accuser/s,
instead bless them for giving you the opportunity to test your resolve.
Eventually, the truth shall be illuminated one day, and all will become clear.
Always bear in mind - "as you sow, so shall you reap."
The Law of Cause and Effect is unforgiving.
Hmm.. how abt clearing the misunderstanding itself? Should we try to clear or just keep quiet?
When people are angry and full of malice, they tend to be living in their own little world, with their own brand of logic. No amount of trying to clear the air works. Of course, it is always nice to clear the air but sometimes things just don't turn out that way. What is important though is that you do not return the "favor". You can try to clear it up, but if it looks like things cannot be cleared up, then it is better to let thing lay as they are then to make it worse. Try not to let it take on a life of its own by talking about it generally with other people; only in confidence but in a therapeutic way so that you may forgive the incident and gain some closure. I am sure an opportunity to clear up the misunderstanding will present itself some day. It just requires some patience.
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