Thursday, December 3, 2009

2012 The Movie

So I watch the movie 2012 a few weeks ago. It was exactly what I had expected it to be, alot of "action" and "drama". The movie did a pretty good job of weaving all the little pieces of factual information peppered all over the world about the "end of the mayan calendar", into an action packed tale. Hopefully, the good intentioned message for the entire movie was not lost amongst all the drama and special effects.The underlying message was that we all need to abandon all our masks, and pretenses. No matter how rich, or how powerful you are; at the very basic level we are all still human, one of the same kind, both weak and frail in comparison to the wrath of mother nature. And when we are near the end, none of that really matters. When we are stripped down to our basics, and bare necessities, we are all nothing, and all we will have is each other, and possibly the clothes on our backs to keep us all decent. Time to repent, shed all our prejudices, pretenses, masks, and arrogance. Embrace our humanity as we should have done right from the start, like we are all equal and from the same family.

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