Here are 3 pictures I took while on a trip into the highlands to experience nature. Notice the little specs of things in the picture ? I can assure you they are NOT dust specs, or water droplets on the lens. At first I thought they were too (and was about to delete the pictures), but later on I realized what I was looking at. I checked my camera lens when I first saw them, and I can assure you they were clean. Those little things are devic energy (ie. presences of devas). Zoom into the pictures and take a closer look at those little things. You will find that each of them have much more definition than what a blurr spec of dust or water droplet will provide.
Do they not remind you of floating "seedlings" in the movie Avatar? Do a little googling on the web for the term "energy ball" and you will find some more pictures of what is shown here. Would this be enough proof that our eyes have limited perceptive powers, and that we are truly not as alone as we think we are? You decide for yourself! Enjoy the pictures.....
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