This time, I would like to write about Atlantis. In part, to honour what little time Reverent Jing Kung has on earth. During a short 15minutes speech at an event held last year in December, he talked very briefly about lost continent of Atlantis, and how it used to have clean power, and technology so advance that we could probably only see them in the movies today. This topic is sort of right up my alley. I've been fascinated by Atlantis ever since I first heard of it as a child.
But, before I go any further, a little disclaimer here. All information you find in this article, and its follow-up, are information that can be found on the web. Some quite recent (2 years old), while others are quite a bit older. As I do not have the links or references handy at the time of writing, I will provide links where it is possible. Please understand that I am typing out all this information from what I remembered reading over the years. Some of the sites are from occult related sites, religion related, while others are some real news, historical accounts, etc.
Most of us have heard of the lost continent of Atlantis. Many stories and movies, in the history of mankind, used Atlantis as a backdrop at one time or another. Despite many archeological evidences unearthed to prove the existence of such a place, sadly it has still been resigned to being just a Myth or a legend. Or is it ?
Plato certainly did not think so. He gave a very detailed account of Atlantis (here). He was able to describe the structure of Atlantis, and the tools that people use in Atlantis. Tools that exist in our lifetime only through the fantastic wonder of cinemagic. For them, it is as real as the bed that we sleep on every night.
Reverend Jing Kung's exposition on possession of clean energy of Atlantis serves of confirm serveral reports garnished off the internet. Atlantis had 13 power grid locations around the world (check here). Egypt was one of them, and the greatest discovery of this century is the discovery of an underwater pyramid in Japan (here). This power grid enables Atlanteans then the ability to cover vast distance by air (yes you read that correctly, air travel was possible in ancient Greece when Plato was alive, around 330B.C.). Rumour has it that Atlanteans use crystals as their source of power. And this power is CLEAN, no pollution whatsoever.
It was purported that the Atlanteans were the great stone building civilisation that we have read about in our current history books. These people possessed methodology of stone building far more advanced than what we are capable of today. The Machu Pichu of the Ancient Incans, the stepped pyramids of the Aztec and Mayan, The Great Pyramids of Egypt, and of course the most recent discovery of the underwater pyramid of the coast of Japan. All of them still baffle experts to some extent how the stones were transported and built with primitive tools. They can present their own ideas on how these structures were built, but we may never know the whole truth unless we were present then. However, a glimmer of hope exists in our time line that may help unlock some these ancient mysteries - Edward Leedskalnin's Coral Castle in Florida (see here). He claimed to have harnessed the magnetic energies of Earth in the construction of the castle. The most amazing thing of all was that he spent 30 years constructing the entire structure ALONE in the secrecy of night. The most unfortunate part of all was that he carried all those secrets to his grave. Thus, was lost an opportunity for mankind to progress beyond our current known boundaries.
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