Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

The celebration of Halloween has its roots back in the days when the Celts still lived in Ireland. This was over 2000 years ago. It was a celebration for the beginning of their new year, which starts on the 1st of November. The Celts believed that on the eve of the new year, the boundary between the world of the living and the world of the dead becomes blurred. The ghosts and spirits of the dead returned to the world of the living to wreak some havoc. They also believed that it is easier for their Celtic priests and Druids to make their prediction on this day. Thus, they build huge sacred bonfires where people would gather to make offerings to the Celtic dieties. During the celebration, the celts also dressed themselves up to go around attempting to make predictions about each others' futures.

Eventually, the celts were conquered by the Romans. Their traditions and practices were also assimilated into the Roman culture. Over the course of time, this festive day became the way it is today.

The Chinese also have a similar "celebration" known as the Hungry ghost festival. However, it does not fall on the same day as Halloween, and it does not last for one day but one month. The Chinese believed that on the 7th month of the Lunar Calendar all ghosts in Hell are given a month of vacation from their suffering. These ghosts return to earth to be amongst the living to do as they will. In order to appease these playful and sometimes destructive spirits, peace offerings are made to them.

Anyways, by now most of you will be wondering where am I going with all this talk about spirits, ghosts, and the other world/s. The intent is two fold; first and foremost is the hope that you will enjoy the festivities to the best of your understanding. Second, is to not discount things we are not able to perceive with our sense as fairy tales and make believes. It has been scientifically proven that our humanly 5 senses has limits. Dogs and cats can hear sounds beyound our normal hearing range. Dogs can smell things we cannot smell. Bats can navigate their surrounding by just using sounds.

With that, have a Happy Halloween everyone, and be safe.

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