Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Art of Not Being Offended

I take no credit for this post here as the entire post is a cut and paste from this site. I find it very interesting and so I thought I'd share the information.

There is an ancient and well-kept secret to happiness which the Great Ones have known for centuries. They rarely talk about it, but they use it all the time, and it is fundamental to good mental health. This secret is called The Fine Art of Not Being Offended. In order to truly be a master of this art, one must be able to see that every statement, action and reaction of another human being is the sum result of their total life experience to date.
In other words, the majority of people in our world say and do what they do from their own set of fears, conclusions, defenses and attempts to survive. Most of it, even when aimed directly at us, has nothing to do with us. Usually, it has more to do with all the other times, and in particular the first few times, that this person experienced a similar situation, usually when they were young.

Yes, this is psychodynamic. But let’s face it, we live in a world where psychodynamics are what make the world go around. An individual who wishes to live successfully in the world as a spiritual person really needs to understand that psychology is as spiritual as prayer. In fact, the word psychology literally means the study of the soul.
All of that said, almost nothing is personal.

Even with our closest loved ones, our beloved partners, our children and our friends. We are all swimming in the projections and filters of each other’s life experiences and often we are just the stand-ins, the chess pieces of life to which our loved ones have their own built-in reactions. This is not to dehumanize life or take away the intimacy from our relationships, but mainly for us to know that almost every time we get offended, we are actually just in a misunderstanding.

A true embodiment of this idea actually allows for more intimacy and less suffering throughout all of our relationships. When we know that we are just the one who happens to be standing in the right place at the right psychodynamic time for someone to say or do what they are doing—we don’t have to take life personally. If it weren’t us, it would likely be someone else.

This frees us to be a little more detached from the reactions of people around us. How often do we react to a statement of another by being offended rather than seeing that the other might actually be hurting? In fact, every time we get offended, it is actually an opportunity to extend kindness to one who may be suffering—even if they themselves do not appear that way on the surface. All anger, all acting out, all harshness, all criticism, is in truth a form of suffering. When we provide no Velcro for it to stick, something changes in the world. We do not even have to say a thing. In fact, it is usually better not to say a thing.

People who are suffering on the inside, but not showing it on the outside, are usually not keen on someone pointing out to them that they are suffering. We do not have to be our loved one’s therapist. We need only understand the situation and move on. In the least, we ourselves experience less suffering and at best, we have a chance to make the world a better place.

This is also not to be confused with allowing ourselves to be hurt, neglected or taken advantage of. True compassion does not allow harm to ourselves either. But when we know that nothing is personal, a magical thing happens. Many of the seeming abusers of the world start to leave our lives. Once we are conscious, so-called abuse can only happen if we believe what the other is saying. When we know nothing is personal, we also do not end up feeling abused. We can say, “Thank you for sharing,” and move on. We are not hooked by what another does or says, since we know it is not about us.

When we know that our inherent worth is not determined by what another says, does or believes, we can take the world a little less seriously. And if necessary, we can just walk away without creating more misery for ourselves or having to convince the other person that we are good and worthy people.

The great challenge of our world is to live a life of contentment, regardless of what other people do, say, think or believe. The fine art of not being offended is one of the many skills for being a practical mystic. Though it may take a lifetime of practice, it is truly one of the best kept secrets for living a happy life.

By Dr. Jodi Prinzivalli

Friday, June 8, 2012

Dreaming of the new world.....

"When dreaming of new earth let go of all your preconceived ideas. If you want to dream of instant manifestation, do it! If you envision yourself flying, do it! If you see yourself walking through walls, do it! If you see spaceships from everywhere visiting earth or you leaving here to go visit those places – do it! If you see yourself with avatar abilities for you and each person on new earth do it! Dream your wildest dream!" -- Bill Ballard

 What would you do if you were given the opportunity to be part of remaking the world that we live in?  How would you want the world to be like?  How would you want to be like?  Would you still want to be limited by all the scarcity that you see all around us today?

My dream of the new world :-

For the world :
   May peace prevail throughout the lands
   Let safety and security dominate all who live on Earth, no longer would anyone 
     need to fear for their safety or security anymore.
   May everyone regard all others (humans and otherwise) regard all with respect
     reverence, love, compassion, trust and kindness.
   May there be no more scarcity of resources but abundance for all.  No longer will
     there be a need for any competition for resources, or survival of the fittest.  There
     will always be enough for everyone.
   Let greed and selfishness be a thing of the past.
   Let also the need for domination over others dissipate and disappear like smoke 
     in an open field, forever.
   May everyone also forever smell fresh no matter what physical condition they may
     be in.

For myself, I wish :
   I will have the capacity to give love and compassion like the Buddha, or GOD.
   To have a healthy body that will have an above average aesthetic appeal
   To have a healthy body that will be  free from all sickness and ailment
   To have the ability to fly and teleport over long distances (even interstellar). I
      will have no problems traveling through space without any form of protection.
   I will have the ability to move things with my thought (lift very heavy weight even)
   May I have the ability to manifest anything physical (the object may have properties
      beyond just physical properties) with a mere thought, at will.
   Although I will still have a mouth to speak, but I will be able to communicate with
      anyone telepathically with anyone at will, and over any distance and time.
   To never have the need to eat or drink for nutritional intake to stay alive.
   To never have the need to breathe air to stay alive.
   In order to stay alive, all I need is to breathe in the prana/cosmic energy that 
     surrounds  us, and even then I would not need a constant feed; just as and 
     when as needed. Prana/cosmic energy shall be my sustenance (although I will
     still have a nose for olfactory purposes).
   May I also never have the need to defecate, perspire, nor shower to keep clean 
     anymore.  All forms of dirt and filth will just fall off me like how water falls off 
     a duck's back.  Sweat have no more use on me anymore because I would not 
     heat up during rigorous activities.  Defecation will serve no purpose anymore 
     because I would breathe out any waste as harmless air/gas (assuming there is
     still a need for waste output, otherwise no more waste output will be most preferable).
   May I not be affected by heat and cold anymore.  I may still feel temperature
     differences but it will no longer affect me like it affects me in this present 
     3D form.
   Also, to have a body free of anymore lower vibrations accumulated from all
     previous experiences.

There, I have finally put my dream of the future into words.  What would your dreams be?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ho'oponopono mantra

In recent days I have come to learn of a very powerful and beautiful mantra that was the product of tribal Hawaii.

(the picture came from this site. If you are interested, a quick visit to the site will tell you more about the mantra.)

I was skeptical at first, but weeks later I tried it on a set of 6 eggs I bought from the supermarket. I spoke the words given above 6 times, with a sincere heart, while holding onto the pack of eggs with both hands, still sitting comfortable in its plastic crate.  The effect was amazing!  The moment I picked up one of the eggs in my left hand, I felt it vibrating very very strongly, like as if I was holding a shard of crystal.  I was floored, and surprised, at the same time.  Who knew those few words could have such a powerful effect.  Which is one of the reasons I am sharing the information.  This means that anyone could use the same method to empower/bless the food that you eat.

Encouraged by the results, I tried it on my body lying on the bed, just before I was going to sleep.  I thought about my body and how much wear and tear it had gone through, all those aches and pains I am feeling from the parts of my body; and thought that I really needed to give thanks to my body for supporting me through thick and thin all these years.  This time, with a calm mind and sincere heart, I said those words 6 times.  Again, the feeling that followed after that felt like a reply from my body that "we have heard your thanks and accepted it, and we will support you til the end of your days."  I felt this tingly sensation echoing throughout my body.  The tingling was especially strong in those areas which had a problem. This tingling sensation felt similar to same feeling I had when I first started meditating (breathing in the prana, or cosmic energy. It has been said that our bodies ache because the flow of prana in that part of the body has been blocked. Meditation clears it up gradually, hence the tingling, which is similar to the feeling of getting pins and needles in your leg when it has remained in a restrictive position for too long).