Quantum Undulation Healing Method Theory:
1. First, get a glass of drinking water, show your appreciation sincerely to the water.
2. Say to the water your mind/body conditions that's troubling you and ask the water to heal you. When you do so, the structure and undulation of the water is changing. Your sincere thought creates the healing vibration (wave) that changes both the water in the glass and the water in your body. You are now in-tune to the same healing frequency with the water in front of you.
3. Drink half glass of water. Because of your sincere praying, the undulation frequency of the water has been changed by your intention. Now your body is tuned to the healing frequency. The water you drink in has the same frequency as the remaining half in the glass.
4. Begin following the instructions. 5. Drink the remaining half glass of water. The healing frequency is enhanced for the water and for your body because 70% of your body is water . All the frequency of water in your body will be changed now. You are now in a higher vibration which means it's easier to make your wishes come true! Bless all of you!
1. Get a glass of drinking water. Hold the glass with two hands and sincerely say to the water six times: “Pure water, thank you, I love you so much!” Drink half a glass with great respect.
2. Imagine the light of the healing Quantum Undulation get into the half glass water. Imagine there is a beam of light shooting into the glass, then repeat the instructions:
A. Repeat six times sicerely to the water: “Thank you for purifying my body mind and soul .”
B. Repeat six times: “ Thank you for healing my body mind and soul.”
C. Repeat six times: “Thank you for cleansing and healing of our Earth.”
Drink the half glass of water slowly with great respect. Try to feel the cool sensation of this pure water entering your body, purifying every cell in your body. The End.
In addition to this I have also tried another "prayer", in a manner of speaking, or another personal blessing, or wish, or whatever you might want to call it.
I say this 6 times when I am showering, or in any pool of water (like if you were at the waterfall or a stream)
“Pure water, thank you, I love you so much!”
Then I say the following:
"Thank you for healing and purifying the Earth. Please also help heal, purify, and cleanse all that come into contact with you in mind, body, and spirit. Thank you very much."
Try it everyday if you can, or whenever you remember, or get the chance to. All it takes is a few minutes. I don't know if it would have any effect. But if it does, all the better. If not, all I have lost is a few minutes of my time. But I know that if I really believe it will work, it will work. All things are created from the "heart".